Primer has Rebranded to Axio

Primer has Rebranded to Axio

How to Connect Google Classroom and Canvas to Axio

How to Connect Google Classroom and Canvas to Axio

How to Connect Google Classroom and Canvas to Axio

How to Connect Google Classroom and Canvas to Axio

Step 1

Welcome to Axio! Starting is simple: just sign up for your Primer account to kick things off!

Step 2

Once your account is setup, head over to the "Profile" section by clicking on it in the bottom left corner. Then, scroll down to "School" in the integrations section and hit "Connect Account."

Step 3

First, you'll be asked to enter your school email. Then, you'll need to select that same email address to sign into Google. You'll then see a screen where "Edlink" wants access to your Google account, choose "Allow".

Step 4

Success! You'll now see an "Education" tab. Clicking it reveals your School dashboard, complete with classes and upcoming assignments.

Step 5

Choose a class to view all your assignments, teacher provided resources, and class announcements.

Step 6

Click on any assignment to see everything you need—get Axio's help, view due dates, and submit assignments right here. Plus, you can access tailored learning activities and quizzes designed to deepen your grasp of each topic.

Click on any assignment to see everything you need—get Primer's help, view due dates, and submit assignments right here. Plus, you can access tailored learning activities and quizzes designed to deepen your grasp of each topic.

That's it! You did it.

With Axio, you're not just getting an app; you're gaining a lifelong AI buddy focused on your learning and personal development. Dive into conversations with Axio, explore tailored learning paths, keep an eye on your wellness, and so much more.

Let's make this school year the best one yet with Axio by your side!

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Copyright 2024 Primer Global.
All rights reserved.